Why Advertise with Fry Fry Media?
Fry Fry Media (SL) Limited places the consumers’ needs at the center of all our engagements with them. The respectful manner with which we approach our consumer enables us to be invited into their lives as we add value and enrich them. Our communication solutions extend beyond radio and are truly focused on driving authentic consumer engagement.

Here are the services the we offer
The provision of time for a program or per-recorded content scheduled for broadcast
The purchase of slots for audio and visual commercials ranging from 30 seconds to 60 seconds to be aired several times a day at peak and off-peak times. Choosing a slot means you can target the precise type of customers you want to reach based on the hour of the day or most listened to programs.
The creation of videos, commercials, Audio jingles, talk shows and visual creative or infographic designs.
The promotion of your brand and content to reach potential customers on our social media platforms and website, search engine optimization. The tools include blogs, infographics and videos or podcasts.
Event Coverage
A great opportunity to generate buzz and coverage on social media, if your company is hosting a live event and would like video coverage of the event. During an event, our live coverage team and activities will depend on what you want to achieve. While this varies wildly, there are a few things we always do: Live Streaming, Video interviews, Behind-the-scenes, Capturing inspiring moments on stage etc
Visual Branding
We support in conveying your brand personality and this service consists of all the visual elements used to represent your business, from logo placement, product placement, visual effects or animation etc
Please Note: Each package can be tailored specifically to meet clients’ needs and budgets.